Last year, it was easier to pick Erudite Scholars of the Year (male and female) because the difference was clear. This year, it was tough.
It was difficult to pick the better of two girls and the better of two boys. Therefore, we decided to conduct tests and series of quiz.
Eventually, one girl narrowly dropped while the two boys remained. Having 3 champs in 3 out of 4 subjects forced us to remove gender this year. Then we went for chemistry as the last subject. The chemistry winner was the biggest surprise. The management didn’t see it coming but other students saw it. A secondariless boy that rose to stardom at Erudite!
To cut a long story short, let me congratulate Hamidah Sunmonu, on her emergence as the Erudite Biology Scholar of the Year. Hamidah, thanks for showing the boys that this generation arguably belongs to the girls by making it to the finals in your 3 subjects (physics, chemistry and biology).
Congratulations to Abdulmalik Busari on his emergence as the Erudite Physics Scholar of the Year. Your school principal said he was giving us a solid guy and you did not disappoint him.
Shout out to Ibrahim Fatade, a good ambassador of Vanguards Academy, on his emergence as the Erudite Mathematics Scholar of the Year. With your 30/30 in the pre-quiz mathematics test, you made it difficult for anyone to beat you.
Congratulations to Hanif Aderolu on his emergence as the Erudite Chemistry Scholar of the Year. You are a testimony that homeschooling can produce great results.
Thanks to you all for coming, seeing and conquering.